Thursday, June 19, 2008


The Sprained Ankle

Last Thursday, while taking Oreo for a walk, Cheryl stepped in a rut and sprained her ankle. While she was lying there in pain, Oreo wandered off to amuse himself, once more putting the lie to the myth that dogs are noble, heroic creatures who save their masters and mistresses from danger.

Cheryl finally managed to get up and hobble to a nearby house where she borrowed a phone to get me to come and rescue her. Unlike Oreo, I am fairly reliable and quickly drove to pick up Cheryl. I even had the foresight to bring along an ice pack to help keep the swelling down.

Although the ice pack helped, Cheryl's sprain was more than a mild one which kept her hobbling about for most of last week. What that meant, of course, was that I was enlisted to walk Oreo twice a day until the ankle healed.

I managed to survive my walking marathon with Oreo and it looks like Cheryl's ankle is almost back to normal. Thank goodness since dog walking is not my favorite activity.

The photo above is a fairly recent one showing Oreo in one of his accustomed positions - i.e. - on the furniture. Initially, I had hoped to keep the dog off the chairs and sofa but my wishes were given little priority by Cheryl, Sarah and especially Oreo.

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