Wednesday, February 07, 2007


The Pampered Pooch

Alas, Oreo is not about to change his ways. I got up in the middle of the night last night to again find him sleeping comfortably on top of the bed in the guest room. When I entered the room to rouse him, he slowly got down off the bed and took the time to stretch out his back legs as if to say "Dave, you and I both know that once you go back to sleep, I'll be up here in a flash. Do we really have to go through this charade?"

I know it's a losing battle but I feel that I am the only one keeping our household from descending into a canine apocalypse. If I left the matter to Sarah and Cheryl, Oreo would be sleeping wherever he pleased and our house would become a little slice of doggie heaven. Someone has to hang tough and keep at least some semblance of order. Otherwise, as foretold by a modern day doggie domino theory, surely we are doomed.

I suspect, however, that Oreo knows that all he need do is wait me out. In this "man versus beast" war of attrition, he has the upper hand or, in his case, the upper paw. It's a dog's world after all.

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