Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Oreo Needs Glasses?

Just when you think your dog is on his best behavior, he throws you a curve. Recently, Cheryl bought a new pair of glasses which came with a fancy leather case. You guessed it. Yesterday morning, I awoke to find the glasses and the case on the living room rug. Luckily, the glasses were unharmed but one side of the case was chewed into a pulpy mess. I don't know how Oreo managed to get the case but I can imagine. He's big enough to put his front paws up on the kitchen counter so it's probably just as easy for him to reach things on tables at a similar height. I pointed out to Oreo the error of his ways and his look suggested that he understood. On the other hand, I won't be leaving any of my goods within reach any time soon.

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