Sunday, September 17, 2006


A Tim Horton's Dog

This is another recent photo of Oreo. He's lying next to the famous baby gate which served to keep him out of the dining room even when there is another route through the living room. However, the other night, he finally figured out that this doorway isn't his only point of entry into the dining room. So maybe he's not that stupid after all.

I took Oreo for his morning walk today to allow Cheryl a chance to sleep in. This was the first time in a while that when I took Oreo for a walk he didn't find a Tim Horton's cup. Like most caffeine addicts, it seems that Oreo needs his morning coffee. Most times, he's able to find a discarded Tim's cup which he picks up and brings home with him. I think this says more about how people dipose of their Tim Horton's cup than it does about Oreo's morning drinking habits. It's kind of sad that so many people think nothing of littering. Luckily, inadvertent environmentalists like Oreo manage to clean up after the less than responsible humans. Maybe it should be a dog's world after all.

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