Wednesday, July 19, 2006


An Easy Choice

Next week Cheryl and Sarah are going on a four-day camping trip and leaving me at home to luxuriate in the rare delight of solitude. At least that's what I envisioned until I remembered that Oreo is not going camping.

Although Oreo is not a high maintenance dog, the thought of again being his sole caregiver put an immediate damper on my bachelor dreams. Being alone means staying up late watching movies that no one else in the family wants to see and then sleeping in until ten in the morning. Being with Oreo means going to bed at ten so I won't be a wreck when he wakes me up at six for his breakfast and a walk.

Being alone means going where and when I want during the day and not having to check in with someone else. Being with Oreo means being back home by noon to feed him again and let him out to do his business.

Being alone means a restful evening alone eating steak, drinking red wine and watching movies. Being with Oreo means more dog feeding, backyard cleaning, walking and playing with doggie toys.

But all is not lost. Cheryl suggested that we leave Oreo with her friend Paula who is a veteran dog lover. At first I thought that I would be wimping out by pawning him off on someone else. But the more I thought of it, the more the idea appealed to me. So I said "yes" and now I'm crossing my fingers that Paula will come through.

Let's face it; even the best of friends need some time apart. So if the best of friends need some "me time", then Oreo and I definitely need a break.

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